3 things that are important to me right now…

I was working on an academic article earlier and it got to the point where I was stuck. I realised that I needed exactly 600 words to complete the article and I came up empty. I decided to take a break and here I am. Someone said recently, people who can do creative writing find it easier to write academically. Well, I am here to test that theory. I have always felt that blogging helps me to write well because the more I write, no matter what I write, the more I get better at it.


Anyway, on to today’s blog post. I found this title sitting in my draft folder, waiting for some words . I am going to reflect on what is important to me at this very moment, not tomorrow or in the next hour, but what I feel right now.

  1.  My spiritual health 

Nothing is more important to me than my relationship with God at this present moment. I received news that someone I used to know passed on this evening. While the news of death should never come as a surprise especially in these COVID-19 times, I am always hit hard by the news of the death of a young person, still in their prime. A young fiancè whose wedding was postponed due to COVID-19, so sudden, so unexpected. It makes me remember that we are sojourners on this earth and that I need to stay close to God and figure out why I am here before it is too late. I would hate to die not having found my purpose in this life. So, at this present moment, my spiritual health and wellbeing are of the utmost importance.

2.  My sanity

I am not losing my mind or anything, but it is very important that I keep my sanity at this moment. COVID-19 and this lockdown have been messing with my head, especially this week. I am over it and I wish it was over. I fear losing my mind over aspects of my life that have been put on hold due to this lockdown. Much of it is to do with my transition into this country and trying to settle in since I moved back here. My work permit process has been put on hold which has been a nightmare. But I am holding on to my sanity, believing that God has a plan, otherwise none of it makes sense. I am fortunate to still have work because honestly, it could be a lot worse.

3. My heart

This one surprised me, but yes, my heart is one of the three most important things to me right now. I am not sure I have taken good care of my ticker in the last couple of years, exposing it to a whole lot of unnecessary heartache. A lot of it could have been avoided now that I think about it. Right now, I feel like my heart is in a good place. I have no resentment, bitterness or unforgiveness stored up in there and basically no negativity flowing from it at the moment. I would like to keep it that way.  Proverbs 4:23 states:

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.


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